Past Life Regression

Value Of Past Life Regression

Many clients are comfortable with past lives as the concept of reincarnation is part of their philosophical, cultural, spiritual, or religious belief system. Other clients will utilize this as a process of self discovery. Through my work clients choose to consider their past life experience as a metaphor of the imagination or an actual lifetime event. Either way the value of a past life regression provides a powerful new perspective on your current life.

As you explore your soul’s history and the memories throughout time many revelations will unfold with a refined clarity. The way I guide past life regression includes a womb or in utero regression as we then journey through your past life and conclude with a life review.

Memories And Patterns Released

Discovering these memories helps us to release patterns that can block our effectiveness in our current life, as well as reinforce the talents and lessons carried forward. A past life regression offers transformation in how we view ourselves and the world. During a past life regression you become the objective observer as memories are retrieved from the subconscious mind where they are stored.

A Sensory Experience

Past life regression is an amazing sensory experience. For some clients they will experience the memory as a vivid movie others may see only vague flashes of images. Others may hear sounds, recall smells or connect with a historical or time period event.

Many clients will experience strong emotions and physical sensations within the body especially with unresolved trauma from a prior life. Gentle techniques will be applied during the regression to clear this energy from the body restoring balance and harmony within.

A Transformational Experience

There is a vast number of ways to assist in transformation and healing utilizing hypnosis. We know that the ultimate source of any issue is separation from our higher self and the universal source of all life.

However, it is fascinating, educational, soul inspiring and deeply healing to experience a past life regression. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical. The ultimate goal of a Past Life Regression is to create harmony for yourself within this life.

Possible Topics For Past Life Regression

  • Any issue or problem affecting your life today
  • Uncovering your unique gifts, talents and abilities
  • Spiritual Exploration
  • Ancestral Healing