Group Events

Online group hypnosis sessions are a great way to learn more about this fascinating mind science. And to also experience the benefits of hypnosis as you feel peace and calm within. With varying topics and themes offered throughout the year, there is always something new to learn and experience.

The monthly online group meetings are a great introduction to the benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy. And for new clients who are deciding whether one on one sessions are right for them.

Each group event will begin with an introduction to hypnosis and discussion about the evenings topic, followed by a group hypnosis session.

Please feel free to refer a friend to our online group event. Please contact me to schedule your session.

Cost: $40 per person via PayPal (90 minutes)

Popular Group Sessions Available

Introduction to Hypnosis – Hypnosis And The Power Of The Mind

Supportive for anyone who wants to learn more about the many benefits of hypnosis and the mind body connection. Learn how the power of your mind can influence your health & wellbeing.

Hypnosis Themed Session – The Golden Sun

Perfect for anyone new to hypnosis as you experience the radiant light of the sun releasing tension and stress while creating peace and harmony within. Emerge from your group hypnosis session with greater clarity, peace and calm.

Hypnosis Themed Session – The Sacred Rejuvenating Chamber

Another great option for those new to hypnosis as you create within a sacred rejuvenating space. Releasing all that holds you back as you fill yourself with renewed optimism as you move forward upon your personal journey.

Hypnosis Themed Session – It’s Time For Self Love

When we have love for ourselves we treat ourselves with greater kindness and compassion. When we have greater self-love we experience greater self-worth making it easier to achieve our goals while having the motivation to follow through.